Essential Reading

The following material provides fundamental information that is essential for understanding the energy and environmental issues AWED is involved with.  It’s assumed that you have already carefully read through the Getting Started —> New Members page.

The readings here build on that foundation, and go a bit further into what a scientific evaluation of wind energy would require: Technical, Economic, and Environmental assessments. After learning what’s here, please visit the More Technical, More Economic, or More Environmental reference page that you would like more information about. is a comprehensive slideshow about our energy issues that is the foundation of our efforts. This has been given, for free, in some ten states now. (Wind Power: How We Got Here is a document that parallels this slideshow.) On the slideshare site, look to the right and you’ll see a button for “More”. This is a list of a dozen or so other presentations that might be of interest. For example, shorter versions of the main presentation, tailored for a specific community (e.g. this). Feel free to use the materials from any of these to help you in your local situation.

Speaking Truth to Wind Power

Twenty-Five Bad Things About Wind Energy: a synopsis of all the wind energy justifications — and the reality


Wind Energy: A Review of Human Health & Safety Concerns

A Problem With Wind Energy

Wind Farms Gone Wild is collection of wind energy articles put together by a real environmental organization

Energy and Mankind is a superior energy primer.

How DOE + AWEA = DOA (a rebuttal of the wind industry’s “20% wind energy by 2030″ sales pitch)

Citizens question New York State energy agency — and these inquiries apply essentially anywhere

The Competing World Views of Environmentalism and Christianity

A particularly good assessment of wind energy has been done by utility executive, Kimball Rasmussen. A Rational Look at Renewable Energy should be a mainstay of the arsenal of everyone involved with renewable energy.

Additionally these good people have been kind enough to print this as a high-quality color brochure, and make it available (in quantity) to groups fighting unscientific energy policies, free of charge! Contact Debbie Horrocks for specifics.


Some General Energy Commentaries Can't afford lobbyist

The Power of Energy is an overview of the energy situation

Towards Sound Energy Policy:
Part I – Current Flaws  &  Part II – Sensible Approaches

War of the Worlds outlines the fight we are engaged in

Scientists versus Lobbyists: A Winning Strategy

primer on the Scientific Method
